About US

For Cannabis™

Starting the Cannabis conversation where it starts!

Americans For Cannabis™ is a homegrown movement dedicated to promoting honest education about cannabis (hemp, marijuana) and the full repeal of cannabis prohibition. Our main goal is to provide evidence based information to the citizens of America about the benefits of this untapped, renewable, sustainable and once vital natural resource so they can make informed decisions on this complex issue.

We the people demand that cannabis (hemp, marijuana, THC and other cannabis extracts) be exempted from the DEA's Controlled Substances Act (like alcohol, nicotine, caffeine and other "drugs") and ALL local, state and federal criminal penalties for the cultivation, processing, transportation, distribution, sales, trade, sharing, possession, consumption and use of cannabis for industrial, medicinal, nutritional, spiritual and recreational purposes be repealed.

Our Mission:
*To educate our community on the true history and facts about cannabis, hemp and marijuana.
*To promote the peaceful, responsible and lawful use of cannabis and a complete repeal of cannabis prohibition, based on the concepts of Freedom, Liberty, self ownership and Personal Responsibility.
*To promote and support the De-scheduling and exemption of cannabis from the DEA’s Controlled Substances Act
*To prevent any new taxes for cannabis, or cannabis specific taxes
*To promote and support the Freedom to Garden Act (or a form of it)
*To reclaim and secure the rights of the people (then we can talk about the privileges of commerce)
*To promote and support the people's right to garden all the natural plants of the earth.
*To promote and support state and federal nullification
*To promote and support jury nullification
*To otherwise end all cannabis (plant) arrest and imprisonment for the use, consumption and possession by peaceful, responsible or otherwise lawful people.
*To support and promote the release of our people from the prisons that binds them
*To expose the corruption in law enforcement and the building of a military police state made possible through prohibition.
*To promote and support better, stronger and healthier communities.
*To promote and support freedom, self ownership, liberty and personal responsibility in general.
*Mission last revised on Wednesday, June, 17th 2015


It's time we re-recognize some self evident truths!  Our rights come from our creator not our governments. We are the owner of our bodies and we have a natural, lawful, and unalienable right to decide what is best for our mind,body, soul and property. We have a natural right to garden the plants of the earth and to utilize them in the self preservation, self sustainment and enjoyment of our lives and our health.

Demand your natural, lawful and unalienable rights to cannabis, demand a complete repeal of cannabis prohibition now.

Please do your own Due Diligence

Statutes,acts,ordinances and codes ARE NOT laws, they are legislative “RULES” of a society.  Legislative rules of a society are given force through law. Law proceeds the rules.
The State and federal governments have no authority to control and regulate a plant or a people. Their delegated and very limited powers may allow them to regulate commerce but that is not a delegated authority to regulate the people or anything in nature. By nature and by law that power and control is inherent in the people and unalienable as such.
Article 1 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution gave basically two "powers" to Congress.
  1. To regulate commerce 
  2. To regulate the employed militia
Almost everything in Article One relates to these two things, these are the basic and limited powers we delegated to Congress. Why? Because the merchants and money makers were running a muck over the people, all the states had different rules and regulations and money, making interstate commerce hard, there were many problems and conflicts caused between the states it was out of control. We needed to make the rules regular and uniform as for a more perfect union. We also noticed that without a well regulated militia we could not protect our sovereignty, our life, our liberty and our happiness. So we delegated the right to regulate the employed militia. However, the right of the people (not employed) shall have the right to keep and bear arms as would be necessary and a natural right for a free people to protect and defend  "themselves"

They don't "own' commerce and they don't "own" the people's militia, and they don't have Carte blanche powers, they are very limited and they can not be construed to deny or disparage the rights of the people enumerated or not.

Acts of the federal and state legislature are crossing some major lines of delegated powers. Acts of the legislature can not be used to create new laws or prohibit or restrict the natural rights of the people. Legislative acts only have the power to make rules necessary to carry out the already delegated powers.

People's initiatives, I see a lot of supposed initiatives by the people being used in a similar manner as these legislative acts to regulate or restrict the natural rights of the people. I Also see that most of them are all commerce related, which is impossible for a state or the people for that matter to control or regulate commerce, there would have to be a constitutional convention to take that power back that we the people already delegated to congress.
  1. Legislative Acts are meant to create rules necessary to carry out the already delegated powers and mostly only apply to the government
  1. People's Initiatives (petitions) should be used to claim or reclaim rights not enumerated but still retained by the people,to repeal and nullify unlawful acts of the legislature, and as means to restrict the powers of our public servants
  2. Only congress has the power to regulate commerce and we the people need to make sure they are not using to control anything or anyone else.
For those who claim to know and understand the limits of congress and the constitutionally delegated authority.

I want to know where we might find the power to regulate the people or their interactions with nature.

I understand according to Article 1 Sec. 8 of the constitution that they (congress) can regulate (make regular) commerce but that is not a power to restrict or prohibit the rights of the people or nature.
Further more can you please explain to me how the state or the people thinks it could possibly have the power to legislate commerce in any way shape or form without a constitutional convention to take that power back that was exclusively delegated by the people to congress?

The right to grow, cultivate or otherwise utilize the natural plants of the earth is so basic, simple and natural..
We shouldn't even have to mention it!

Limitations of Government, Preservation and Reclamation of the People's Rights

We have to realize at some point if it's an act of congress is likely related to commerce or the employed militia.

Article 1 Section 8 of the United States Constitution makes it clear of the limited and delegated powers of congress.

If you haven't read the Constitution please read it as soon as possible.

If we are ever going to fix this problem we would be wise to get to the source and start this conversation where it starts!


De-Schedule - Exempt - Repeal - Reclaim
A 9th Amendment Issue - Claim of Right for Cannabis and The People

Defining The Cause


Licit; legally warranted or authorized.
The terms lawful and legal differ in that the former contemplates the substance of law, whereas the latter alludes to the form of law. A lawful act is authorized, sanctioned, or not forbidden by law. A legal act is performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. In this sense, illegal approaches the meaning of invalid. For example, a contract or will, executed without the required formalities, might be regarded as invalid or illegal, but could not be described as unlawful.

The term lawful more clearly suggests an ethical content than does the word legal. The latter merely denotes compliance with technical or formal rules, whereas the former usually signifies a moral substance or ethical permissibility. An additional distinction is that the word legal is used as the synonym of constructive, while lawful is not. Legal fraud is Fraud implied by law, or made out by construction, but lawful fraud would be a contradiction in terms. Legal is also used as the antithesis of equitable, just. As a result, legal estate is the correct usage, instead of lawful estate. Under certain circumstances, however, the two words are used as exact equivalents. A lawful writ, warrant, or process is the same as a legal writ, warrant, or process.

Conforming to the law; required or permitted by law; not forbidden by law.
The term legal is often used by the courts in reference to an inference of the law formulated as a matter of construction, rather than established by actual proof, such as legal malice.

 Prohibition is 100% "Legal"
 Legal - Form and Appearance of Law - No Substance
 Lawful - Actual - Has Substance
To Validate, that You are in fact, Sanctioning and Mandating y(our) already established Constitutional Authority, Freedoms and Rights (*See Leary vs The United States) over to Congress to Allow them to Continue to Act or Regulate = To Validate their Authority or Right to Continue this Unconstitutional Prohibition of Freedom or Act = The C.S.A. or Controlled Substance Act!

The Annulment or abrogation of a previously existing statute by the enactment of a later law that revokes the former law.  The revocation of the law can either be done through an express repeal, whereby a statute specifically indicates that the former law shall be revoked and abrogated, or through an implied repeal, which arises when the later statute contains provisions that are so contrary or irreconcilable with those of the prior law that only one can remain in force.  The repeal of a law differs from the amendment thereof, because the amendment of a law involves making a change in a law that already exists, leaving a portion of the original still standing. When a law is repealed, however, it is completely abrogated

verb abolish, abrogate, ad inritum redigere, annul, cancel, cast aside, counteract, countermand, declare null and void, deprive of efficacy, deprive of legal force, disannul, dissolve, invalidate, make useless, make valueless, make void, negate, neutralize, obliterate, offset, override, overrule, overturn, quash, recall, recant, render invalid, renege, repeal, repudiate, rescind, retract, reverse, revoke, suspend, vacate, vitiate, void

  1. to annul or repeal a law or pass legislation that contradicts the prior law. Abrogate also applies to revoking or withdrawing conditions of a contract. (See: repeal) http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/abrogate

We encourage you to read the act that started cannabis prohibition and compare it to the bills and initiatives in your state. Then ask yourselves "Are we really moving away from prohibition" or are we being played into it's hands?

Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 -  Repealed

Leary v. United States, 395 U.S. 6 (1969), is a U.S. Supreme Court case dealing with the constitutionality of the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937. Timothy Leary, a professor and activist, was arrested for the possession of marijuana in violation of the Marihuana Tax Act. Leary challenged the act on the ground that the act required self-incrimination, which violated the Fifth Amendment. The unanimous opinion of the court was penned by Justice John Marshall Harlan II and declared the Marihuana Tax Act unconstitutional. Thus, Leary's conviction was overturned. Congress responded shortly thereafter by repealing the Marihuana Tax Act and passing the Controlled Substances Act to continue the prohibition of certain drugs in the United States.

Leary proved, He = We have a Constitutional Right to use Cannabis/Marihuana Un-Taxed!

Demand a Complete Repeal of Cannabis Prohibition Now!

You can do that by supporting this Federal Act Now!

Contact Your Legislators Today!

THANK YOU!!! For taking the time to GET REAL and make a real difference!
While Sharing is Real Caring!!! THANK YOU!!! again!

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